I had a few ideas for quilt API to help mods be more compatible.
Built in Electricity API(Like Universal electricity or Redstone flux.
Better/easier Built in registry tools(mainly for registring and defining a basic block in 1 line of code, like a prefab class.)
2.5. A prefab class that allows you to add standered blocks without all the json files/add new stone/ore types, the prefab class could also be used to register basic ore stereotypes such as adding a ore(block), raw ore item(for gold and iron type prefab), ingot/item(item), raw block(block made from raw ore items).
2.7. The prefab class should register world gen and recipes automatically(should be able to toggle/easily switch the material(for tools you could switch the stick and tool material)
They’re should be public classes for all tools so mods don’t have to make to classes to make some tool classes public.
Maybe add some common modded tool classes(such as a hammer, excavator, dagger, spear,paxel,shickaxe) - the hammer and excavator mines 3x3x1(excavator = 3x3 shovel, hammer = 3x3 pickaxe,paxel = pickaxe/axe/shovel, shickaxe = shovel/pickaxe), such tools should have less durability(in my opinion)
Note for #4 Shickaxe might only belong to Divine RPG but I’m not sure so they might own the idea completely making it a non community tool.
Cauldron/tank template block class, should have a parameter to tell how many buckets it can hold and if it can hold lava(maybe put it in the tutorial mod as an example.
Easier entity registration(maybe 2 lines in main mod class. And 1 line in the client that deals with models and rendering).
Support for intelliJ IDEA minecraft modding Plug-In
event handler like forge/fml has(is very much needed).
PS. I am not good with finding the right place to post so please if possible move my post for me and correct me if I post in wrong area