internal error 1.18.2

Hi, i wanted to make a server with plugins and mods Create and Evrika! Airships!, but the mod that adds support for Bukkit and Spigot conflicts with the create mod, help me, am I right or wrong?
is it possible to fix this and make it work?
Crash report:

This is a problem within Cardboard.

Please note that we cannot provide support for Cardboard, as it contains code illegitimately stolen from other projects. Additionally, please note that Cardboard is known to break countless other mods, and it also doesn’t correctly handle many types of plugins.

If you want to play with mods, I would suggest that you drop Cardboard entirely and find Fabric and Quilt mods that can act as replacements for your plugins. You’d be surprised what mods like Carpet and GOML can do!