QSL Changelog

All changelogs for Quilt Standard Libraries (QSL) will be posted here!

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QSL 3.0.0-alpha.1 for Minecraft 1.19.1-rc3 has been released!

As you can see by the major bump, a breaking change happened in this version.


  • Updated to Minecraft 1.19.1-rc3
  • Breaking change in networking module to replace usage of a netty callback for when a sent packet is actually sent with the Minecraft’s abstraction instead, this causes some methods to have a new signature. The related event might be less affected as it’s generics so some mods using that might still work as long as they haven’t used the parameter. For the other method it might require change if your mod used QSL networking API and listened for when a packet has been sent using PacketSender#send(Packet, PacketSendListener).
  • Javadocs are back as Quilt Mappings javadocs have been fixed.
  • Fixed a bad condition in networking API, which fixes a bug.
  • Fixed client command API not running for click events.
  • Fixed client command API client command source send feedback not narrating.

What’s next?

Well, turns out as Aurora was writing this 1.19.1 released, so updating to that.
And Quilted Fabric API too.

QSL v3.0.0-beta.1 for Minecraft 1.19.1 has been released!


  • Updated to Minecraft 1.19.1.
  • Removed classes and methods that were marked for removal
  • Bumped Quilt Loader requirement to 0.17.1
  • Javadoc jars are back!

QSL v3.0.0-beta.2 for Minecraft 1.19.1 has been released!


  • Fixed a dedicated server crash at startup.

Quilted Fabric API v4.0.0-beta.1 for Minecraft 1.19.1 has been released!


  • Updated the bundled QSL to 3.0.0-beta.2
  • Bumped the major version number due to the breaking QSL update
  • Synced with Fabric API 0.58.5
  • Reworked the CI in order to use caching, allowing for a faster feedback loop and faster releases

FCP notification time!

  • Multipart Entity Module (#149) has entered FCP for a period of 7 days!

FCP notification time!

Better ordering of resource reloaders (#155) has entered FCP for a period of 7 days!

Resource reloaders are piece of code that allows to load specific kind of resources from resource packs/data packs, for example there’s a resource reloader for loading block models.
The ordering part here means you know can request your own resource reloader to run before a specific resource reloader too, making the whole ordering much more powerful and hopefully patch a hole in the API once and for all.

FCP notification time!

DataFixerUpper module (#150) has entered FCP for a period of 7 days!

This module lets mod register custom DataFixer s, allowing for easy backwards-compatibility by piggybacking off Vanilla’s existing backwards-compatibility systems.

QSL v3.0.0-beta.3 for Minecraft 1.19.1 has been released!


  • Fixed some typos in Javadocs. (LambdAurora)
  • Added Quilt Surface Rule API. (snoozestudios, LambdAurora)

A Quilted Fabric API release will be coming later!

FCP notification time!

Block Content registries module (https://github.com/QuiltMC/quilt-standard-libraries/pull/143) has entered FCP for a period of 7 days!

This module adds the ability to add different data driven values to blocks such as: right-clicking with a shovel, oxidizing, waxing, stripping, how flammable it is, and a way to add different frequencies to the sculk sensor’s output.
The pr also implements Iterable onto RegistryEntryAttachment so you can now do for(var entry : ATTACHMENT) { ... } loops!

FCP notification time! (a very important one)

Registry Synchronization implementation (#95) has entered FCP for a period of 7 days!

This feature is essential for QSL to be usable standalone, it allows servers and clients to synchronize their registries so they can speak the same language over the network!
The lack of registry sync is what caused strange bugs with Quilt with chunks not showing up and other similar issues. But now that’ll be fixed!
And for those who wonder, it is compatible with the Fabric protocol meaning that it’s capable of understanding Fabric servers and Fabric clients will be able to understand it!
And to conclude, this is the last update planned for the 1.18 branch of QSL.

QSL v3.0.0-beta.5 for Minecraft 1.19.1 has been released!


  • Added the multipart entity API (#149 by Platymemo)
  • Fixed some of the injections to work in production reliably (this is why there’s no announcement for -beta.4).

The added module does not have any Fabric API equivalent, meaning it already can be used in mods without worry of conflicts, but the global distribution is still done by Quilted Fabric API which does not have a release providing this version yet.

Quilted Fabric API v4.0.0-beta.3 (4.0.0-beta.3+0.58.5-1.19.1) has been released!


  • Updated the bundled QSL to 3.0.0-beta.5
  • Fixed a crash with the Fabric Biome API bridge caused by the removal of an inherited deprecated method from QSL’s equivalent

If you’re a developer, enjoy the new offerings that we have on the table! And if you are a player, have a crashless day!

QSL v3.0.0-beta.6 for Minecraft 1.19.1 / 1.19.2-rc1 has been released!


  • Added a better ordering of resource reloaders (#155 by LambdAurora)
    This allows resource reloaders to be ordered much more precisely and open up the system used for Event phase ordering as an API feature of Quilt Base API.
  • Updated the QMJs to support 1.19.2-rc1.

A Quilted Fabric API release will come later.

QSL v3.0.0-beta.7 for Minecraft 1.19.1 / 1.19.2-rc1 has been released!


  • Fixed broken mixins causing client crashes due to bad mappings bumping.

A Quilted Fabric API release will come later.

Quilted Fabric API v4.0.0-beta.4 (4.0.0-beta.4+0.58.5-1.19.1) for Minecraft 1.19.1 / 1.19.2-rc1 has been released!


  • Updated bundled QSL to 3.0.0-beta.7
  • Added support for Minecraft 1.19.2-rc1

This isn’t the end of our big wave of updates, so stay tuned as more and more PRs in the FCP queue get merged!

QSL v3.0.0-beta.9 for Minecraft 1.19.1 / 1.19.2-rc1 has been released!

Well, not yet but soon, posting this now as I have to go.
If you wonder why .9 and not .8, I messed it up and I don’t have the time to fix the tag.


  • Fixed subclass anonymous resource reloaders generating bad identifiers. (should fix some crashes)

A Quilted Fabric API release will come later.

QSL v1.1.0-beta.23 for Minecraft 1.18.2 has been released!

Oh damn, that’s a version we haven’t seen for a while.

Disclaimer: this is probably the final release of QSL for 1.18.2


  • Added Registry Synchronization (#95 by Patbox)
  • Backported several features from the 1.19 branch:
    • Backport #125 (fix loading of world gen objects from mods) to 1.18.
    • Better ordering of resource reloaders (#155)
    • DataFixerUpper module (#150)
    • EnumArgumentType: remove unnecessary constraint (#147)
    • Improvements to Registry Entry Attributes (#128)
    • RegistryEntryAttachment: add remove methods (#151)
    • Fixed Registry Entry Attachment thread safety issues when syncing.
    • Backport Unified Iterator for REA from #143.

And with this we say bye bye to QSL for 1.18! :wave:
(unless there is really something very big that broke, but that should be unlikely, with the amount of testing done)

A Quilted Fabric API release should come at one point, can’t say when yet.
For those who read very closely you might see that the 1.18 release has actually some recently merged 1.19 PRs that don’t have a 1.19 release yet, this is normal! 1.19 releases should come soon too!

QSL v1.1.0-beta.24 for Minecraft 1.18.2 has been released!

Uh oh…
Guess we did needed a change!


  • Modify how status effects are stored in NBT to make it more resilient in a modded context (#105 by Patbox)
    This means some things, in 1.18 this removes the 256 limit of status effects (since they are serialized as bytes), and more globally this fixes status effects shifting by adding or removing mods creating corruption.

And with this, we can hopefully say bye bye to QSL for 1.18! :wave:
(for real this time, unless there’s a big big bug)

A Quilted Fabric API is still on its way, still can’t say when.
Stay tuned!

QSL v1.1.0-beta.25 for Minecraft 1.18.2 has been released!


  • Fixed a critical bug while remapping registries. Turns out there was one line missing!

And I would say bye bye :wave: again but it appears this version has decided to haunt us. /j

Stay tuned for more (and hopefully more exciting news)!

QSL v3.0.0-beta.11 for Minecraft 1.19.1/1.19.2 has been released!

And we’re back into the modern day!


  • Added Registry Synchronization (#95 by Patbox)
  • DataFixerUpper module (#150 by Leo)
  • Modify how status effects are stored in NBT to make it more resilient in a modded context (#105 by Patbox)
  • Block Content Registries & Unified Iterator for REA (#143 by OroArmor)
  • Properly support fuel times greater than 32,767 (#163 by Lemma)

The Quilted Fabric API people are still busy with 1.18 at the moment so a QFAPI release for this version might take a while.
But don’t worry too much, once it’ll be out things will be great!

Some of those features will greatly benefit both users (maybe invisibly), data-pack makers (Block Content Registries are data-driven!), and modders!

Stay tuned for more! We’re never finished ;)

QSL v1.1.0-beta.26 for Minecraft 1.18.2 has been released!


  • Fixed modded particles going invisible when paired with QFAPI! (Don’t question how, had to change how the map tracks them)

So uh… oops?
I think I’m giving up on wishing 1.18.2 goodbye, it always bites me back later.

QFAPI release will come later, with also other fixes, hopefully very soon!

QSL v3.0.0-beta.12 for Minecraft 1.19.1/1.19.2 has been released!


  • Fixed modded particles going invisible when paired with QFAPI! (synced from 1.18)

The QFAPI for 1.19 will come hopefully soon, can’t say when yet.

QSL v3.0.0-beta.13 for Minecraft 1.19.1/1.19.2 has been released!


  • Fixed unwaxing being broken in Block Content Registries.

QFAPI for 1.19.2 is practically done, but got delay due to this bug, so expect something soon! (hopefully)

QSL v3.0.0-beta.14 for Minecraft 1.19.1/1.19.2 has been released!


  • Fixed Vanilla clients not being able to connect to servers with QSL installed and no registry modification (#168 by Patbox)
  • Fixed the DFU API crashing when Databreaker-like mods are installed (making some dev envs painful) (#167 by Leo)

This was a bug-fix only QSL, and it should come soon to a QFAPI release!

FCP notifications

Add the ability to set boolean block settings values directly PR #176 Lot of boolean-based properties like air() , tickRandomly() only allow to set the value to true, while when copying settings you might want to disable random ticks, etc. This PR adds new overloads with a boolean parameter.

Create a Bow and Crossbow API in Item Extensions module PR #73
This PR adds the ability to make custom bows and crossbows easily. It also adds events allowing you to modify or replace the projectile shot from bows and crossbows.

This PR has entered FCP for a period of 7 days.

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