Unhandled solver error

-- Error 1 --

Unhandled solver error involving the following rules:
Rule 1:
Mandatory mod Entity Model Features (entity_model_features) v0.2.9
Rule 2:
Breakage for {org.quiltmc.loader.impl.plugin.fabric.FabricModOption 'entity_model_features' from <mods>/entity_model_features_fabric_1.19.2-0.2.9.jar} on cem versions [*] (1 breaking options, 0 okay options)
	x {org.quiltmc.loader.impl.plugin.fabric.FabricModOption 'cem' from <mods>/cem-0.7.3-1.19.jar} {org.quiltmc.loader.impl.plugin.fabric.FabricModOption 'cem' from <mods>/cem-0.7.3-1.19.jar}
Rule 3:
Mandatory mod Custom Entity Models (cem) v0.7.3-1.19

is the error I’m getting, I don’t understand what I’m supposed to do.

Entity Model Features is incompatible with Custom Entity Models, because they do (almost) the same thing, pick one.

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