I ban redblueflame for being a moderator
I ban Starchild for beeing a Moderator :>
I ban zOnlyKroks for using the same ban reason as someone else
I ban Forkk for using their first post on this game
i ban redblueflame for talking about how forkk used his first reply on the forum game
i ban woodiertexas for not capitalising I
I ban will_bl for not finishing their sentence
I ban redblueflame for misinterpreting my reference to the word I as a usage of the word I, therefore thinking that my sentence didn’t finish because, much like this one, it ended with I
I ban will_bl for their wildly confusing explanation
I ban mounderfod for not explaining why will_bl’s explanation was confusing
I ban woody for needing an explanation
I ban the starchildren for taking too long to set up the forum
jk y'all did greatI ban Emmaffle for not setting up the forum herself
i ban snoozestudios for eating the quilt forum
I ban God again for ban evasion
I ban myself for various tomfoolery
I ban woodiertexas for starting this thread
I ban $HIGHEST_SCORE + 1 people to obtain a new high score. Sorry, it had to be done.
i ban byte for too many bans in one go
i ban starchild for not being a colour
I ban magenta for not banning the last person to send a message
i ban redblueflame for eating too many modrinths
I ban woodiertexas for accusing everyone of eating things